(OPENSOARING, 01. maj 2019)
Spoštovani jadralci, ki sledite tekmovanju FCC v Prievidzi, najbrž ste že sami ugotovili, da avstralski jadralec Adam Woolley nadaljuje s pisanjem svojih prispevkov v rubriki Adam Woolley’s Gliding Adventures. Vsekakor zanimivo branje, še posebno, ker piše tudi Boris Žorž in ker tekmujeta v istem tekmovalnem razredu.

Prvi vtis o vremenu
Opensoaring: Adam, bravo, you and Žorž are the same pilots who are able to write something about Task …
Adam Woolley:Feel free to share. I’m disappointed about today, but that’s racing sometimes. Can’t always win I guess
Prvi tekmovalni dan
Abandoned task today, ultimately I pulled the safety card on myself. A first for me, but happy with the decision ultimately. Tomorrow we will race another day – as the Formula 1 drivers, that’s racing. Not sure what to say about today, disappointment is the ultimate feeling, but in reality, there was highs & lows, great fun, then none at all, which I why the day ended like it ended. Quickly now, so I can pack up the glider, submit trace & have a beer.

Kaj Adam uporablja v letalu
I planned the start nicely I think, thinking big picture. Without seeing the results, I think I did the right thing. I was pleased that I reset my start time & line out once the conditions changed. Really nice first & second leg, three climbs, long glides for memory. I got suckered into a deep black CU street to the West of track, if it had worked or if i were more patient, it would’ve paid off in aces. It didn’t, I found myself lower & more downwind, never have a found myself struggling to make an AAT sector on a day like this. After a low save I said, at least I still have an average speed!

Prievidza kadar dežuje
90kph to the 2nd, good, but low. I scratched & scratched & scratched all day from there. Wave influence caused the thermals in the area to be not so nice & ultimately, I just couldn’t reconnect. I bounced off the ground again & thought, reset the brain, make a restart for fun. The fun never returned, my body was lacking energy, yet my brain & self felt alert.

Adam v tovarni sanj
I decided that rather than head into a bad situation (all would’ve worked out fine, but why risk it, I wasn’t feeling it), I pulled the safety card on myself & called it a day. I think I didn’t adjust to the Cirrus quick enough after my 350hrs in Ventus’s for the past 12 months. Time to reflect on my good parts of the flight & the lessons, tomorrow’s another day. All good.