(OPENSOARING, 25. septembra 2018)
Nasilno prisvajanje zračnega prostora in omejevanje manjših in šibkejših uporabnikov ni samo trend v Sloveniji, kot lahko preberemo, se z enakimi težavami ukvarjajo tudi britanski jadralci. Lasham gliding Club, najbrž največji na svetu, je svojemu članstvu in medijem poslal spodnje sporočilo, ki ga je vredno prebrati. Njihova »lokalna« jadralska zveza Lasham Gliding Society je lepo opisala stanje, ki je nastalo z grabežljivo potezo britanske CAA v navezi z lastnikom letališča v Farnborough-u TAG aviation. Preberite in pomislite ali ne gre v Sloveniji za podobno ali celo enako težavo.

Na ILS priletni karti za letališče Farnborough opozorilo za Lasham in Blackbushe
On 11 July, the CAA published its desicion granting a large area of new controlled airspace around Farnborough Airfiled. This desicion follows an airspace change proposal process initiated by TAG Farnborough Airport.

Opozorilo za Lasham in Blackbushe
Lasham Gliding Society is strongly opposed to the CAAs decision. Contrary to the statement made in the CAA decision document. Lasham Gliding Society considers that the decision to introduce new controlled airspace has not been justified by the CAA: it will create a choke point, it does not represent an efficient use of the airspace and it does not properly or reasonably balance the needs of all users. The consequennce of the implementation of this large volume of controlled airspace, at the request of a small airfiled which has around 28.000 annual (non-public) movements outside the controlled airspace. Lasham Gliding Society, the world s biggest club with around twice the number of annual movements of Farnborough Airport, will be in this bottleneck. This gives rise to obvious safety risks for gliders and other aircraft.

Ne več tako vesel podmladek….
The CAA has not published any data or evidence to support its decision that the new arrangements will be safe (or that the existing arrangements are not safe), and it has not published any analysis of the impact on Lasham Gliding Society or general aviation traffic in the choke points. Further, the measures suggested by the CAA for mitigating the serious TAG Farnborough s proposal with only minor modifications.

Stop dreaming start flying
In these circumstances, Lasham Gliding Society has taken legal advice and will be writing formally to the CAA asking it to withdraw its decision. If the CAA does not withdraw the decision, or provide information properly justifying it. Lasham Gliding Society will consider all options including a legal challenge. If you are interested in providing financial support to the Society to help it to challenge the CAA s decision, please contact office at Lasham.

Klempo, realnost današnjega dne….
Mike Clarke
Chairman, Lasham Gliding Society LTD
24 August 2018

Lasham – starodobniki